
Denise ellis

BA Psych. / Grad Dip. App Psych. /
Cert. Sandplay Therapy /
Dip. Energy Healing / Reiki Master


Sandplay is an Expressive Therapy that provides a safe container, a safe place where your psyche has the opportunity to explore issues in depth, in a way that allows each person to integrate and heal. The process of working in the sand with symbols and miniature figurines helps to illuminate each person’s uniquely beautiful and complex inner world - one where they are fully seen, witnessed and heard.

It’s a common misconception that this Therapy is only for children - it’s not! This method is highly recommended for adults as well. Why? Sandplay offers a way to go beyond the chatter of the mind, providing a gateway to the plethora of information held in the subconscious. This is where deep shifts can occur, allowing for significant transformation and change.

$130 - standard 1 1/2 hour session

$160 - 2 hour session


Energy Healing is also available at Illumina, offering you support on your journey to a greater sense of wellbeing. Energy Healing includes:

  • Vibrational Healing

  • Deep regression processes

  • Chakra balancing

  • Meridian channel balancing

  • Reiki Healing

$90 - 60 minute session

$130 - 90 minute session


Every person’s path and strategy for healing and healing work is different, at Illumina we recognise and honour that. For those clients who wish to explore what’s happening in a more directed way, we offer a Wellness Package to suit your individual needs:

Sandplay Therapy:

3 x session package ~ $300

6 x session package ~ $660

Energy Healing:

3 x session package ~ $240

6 x session package ~ $450

If we do not work on all 3 levels - body, feelings, mind - the symptoms of our distress will keep returning, as the body goes on repeating the story stored in it’s cells, until it is finally listened to, and understood...
~ Alice Miller