“You’re afraid of changing.
Change tenderly calls for you to open the places within you that have been guarded with a warrior’s vigilance for decades.
Change beckons you to come forward and see the inner landscapes that have been shrouded in mystery for years.
Change won’t offer you promises or guarantees. But as the rest of the world moves along, the pages turn and others go forth, all around...
change whispers, I am still here and I have not forgotten you”
~ Susan Frybort ~

What do you yearn for in this life?

Sometimes change is a whisper from the depths of our being…and sometimes it enters our world with the force of a hurricane…or it can be almost anything in between.

What is your heart really longing for?

What questions do you have relating to your next steps forward?

Do you feel like something is holding you back from living the life you desire, but you’re not sure what it is or how to overcome it?

Or maybe you’re going through a major transition in life, and would benefit from some meaningful, heartfelt support through these times of great change.

Or perhaps you are starting to get in touch with some aspects of early childhood patterning or trauma…and would like some help to process these early life experiences.

Sometimes we need someone to stand shoulder to shoulder with us on the path - to listen, to hear and witness our fears, our pain, and help us to identify their origin so we can understand the power or part they play in our current existence. In doing so, the grip these very unique and personal issues and patterns have on us are eased or released, allowing us to move forward with a new sense of freedom, greater awareness and a new and restored belief in our own worth.

My experience is that when pain is witnessed and heard, and we can integrate our new awareness, we have the ability to make safe and meaningful passage through change.

So I’m ready to stand beside you in all the raw, the real and the beautiful that involves you. My intention is to partner with you, supporting you to find your way forward – however that unfolds for you. To support you in identifying the emotional patterns and unconscious roadblocks, to help you reach those places safely and to work through them, so you can find new ground, and live the life which you desire and long for – and deserve.

~ may you find comfort here ~
