Illumina and me.

Where to start…

When I reflect on my life to date, I see a myriad of experiences that have regularly bought me to ‘intersections’ ~ some gently and some fiercely, and some that have quite literally bought me to my knees. On my arrival at these intersections I was often confused, distressed, unsure of which way to turn, or what to do next. One thing that punctuated all of these experiences was feeling significant emotional pain, and underneath that was what I now understand to be a deep disconnection from my true Self, or what is sometimes termed as our ‘fundamental essence’. 

I can tell you I’ve experienced depression, anxiety, grief and loss from multiple miscarriages and the death of a partner and parent. I’ve experienced family of origin challenges and separations, relationship breakdowns, and divorce. There were times when I felt I could just not ‘do’ life, or there was something I just didn’t ‘get’ ~ especially the times when I was present enough to notice the repetitive patterns occurring across different areas of my life. I could list many more things here, but the most important element that underpins all of these life events is at each of these intersections I had no real conscious idea what to do next - all I had was the feeling that “life cannot be this”.

And in my pain, I have always reached out for help.

I have been so fortunate to meet, undertake deep personal work, and train with some of the most astute healers and practitioners in many modalities across Australia. People who have the profound ability to hold a safe space in the most compassionate way. People who partnered with me at each of these intersections, walking beside me as I ventured into the darkness, the gift of their presence helping to shine a light into those dark places, allowing for transformation - allowing me to walk in safely, and come back out the other side with greater understanding of myself, and a stronger sense of my worth and purpose. A stronger ability to grasp the life I’ve been given with both hands, open heartedly, and LIVE it. Now, I’m here to support you in doing so too.

My own healing journey up to now has given me greater understanding and appreciation of my true essence, shattering old stories along with deeply held patterns and beliefs. Learning more and more to welcome in my full Self from the shadows. To trust in myself, and to trust in the beauty of this life.

Believe me when I say my work continues! So, the most important words I can say to you now that you’re here is: we simply start where we are.

That’s it. One step forward at a time.

So, what is Illumina?

Illumina is all about helping you shine the light on your own true essence.

Denise Ellis - qualifications

BA Psych / Grad Dip. App Psych 
Cert. Sandplay Therapy / Dip. Energy Healing / Reiki Master

When we are who we are in truth, we attract the support, protection and energy that we need to thrive.
— Alana Fairchild