Sandplay Therapy



There are times in life where we can feel at the mercy of our challenges: perhaps feeling stuck, overwhelmed by powerful emotions, in paralysis and/or unable to move forward.

Feeling like this can often leave us with a sense that we can’t do life, or sometimes on a deeper level that there is something fundamentally wrong with us.

Sandplay Therapy is a beautiful, gentle and profound way of working with life’s challenges. It’s a nonverbal, therapeutic intervention that makes use of a box of sand, symbols and figurines, and sometimes water. You have the freedom to choose symbols you feel drawn to, creating what feels right for you in the sand. These tools allow for you to work quietly, without having to continually talk about what’s happening – though some time is spent sharing at the beginning and end of each session. This beautiful method allows you to work more ‘instinctively’ on your issues, to create scenes of miniature worlds that help to reflect your inner thoughts and emotions, your struggles, and concerns. It supports the processing and interpretation of emotional material and experiences that are often not yet accessible in words, and provides new and empowering insights, helping you to identify new ways forward.

The challenges, associated patterns and subsequent insights can become clearer working in this way. There are often many ‘aha’ moments, purely by being able to see a situation, person, challenge – or the self – in this visual way. By beginning to facilitate change on this expressive level in the sand, internal shifts occur which provide insights, identify the origin of issues, reinforce forgotten strengths, and help you to access the courage and ability to recognize that these same changes can be made in your life. These shifts are usually both conscious and unconscious, and over a number of sessions these shifts can be grounded and integrated in the psyche resulting in profound transformation and change, a greater integration and healing of the ‘self’.

Sandplay is an Expressive Therapy that provides a safe place where your psyche has the opportunity to integrate and heal.

Highly recommended for both adults and children.

Therapy work with Denise is a unique and moving experience. I found answers to lifelong questions as I was gently guided through the process. I also found further insight and understanding coming to me in the days following my session work, as to why things in my life had been the way they were. This enabled me to recognise my pain in a new way, giving me a new direction and some peace of mind around these issues.

The process itself brings incredible insights. Denise carries you through softly at a comfortable pace. You direct where you go while she guides you and holds the space. It is not for the faint hearted, and by this I simply mean it is deep, transformative work. I also believe it would be amazing for children as they can play out and explore their concerns in safe and supportive environment.
— ~ Hope, Byron Bay, NSW